
Showing posts from October, 2022

Week 6- Love in all Forms

In Greek studies we learn about 4 different types of love. Eros from Greek philosophy means sensual or passionate love. Agape is a word coming from the New Testament the father love for humans that God has as well at the reverse love of humans reciprocated love back to God. Next is Storge which is defined as a natural or instinctual affection between parents and offspring and vice versa. This type of love is also one that is a correcting kind of love, a motivating love and a love that desires the best of the other person with full support and love regardless of actions. This is also a type of love that is emulating of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. From a social scientific standpoint, we can also assume that this is the love that is part of an authoritative parenting style that emulates high standards as well has high levels of love. It is working together to get through hard trials as well grow in actions. The fourth type of love is Philia that is translated to the “highest form of

Week 5- Build Healthy Relationships and Avoid the Jerks

Most everyone wants to avoid being a jerk at all costs, but even more, everyone wants to avoid falling in love with a jerk. Of course, we all have our days where we could be a little bit nicer to the people around us or refrain from a snarky comment or two. However, those things do not make you a jerk, so give yourself more credit and let me help you truly understand who Dr. John Van Epp is calling a jerk. Merriam Webster dictionary defines a jerk as: an unlikable person especially: one who is cruel, rude, or small-minded. a selfish jerk. Dr. Van Epp defines a jerk as: “… Somebody who has a significant or serious problem area with their personality and has no intention of altering it. A jerk is the person who, deep down inside, is not willing to change something that hurts the person they're in a relationship with.” The biggest difference that I find between the two is the consistency in which negative actions are shown and the lack in desire to change such actions even after they

Week 4- Growth Happens When Everyone is True to Themselves

One of my favorite movies is called She’s the Man it is easily the most quoted movie in my house among my sister and I. Quick gist of the movie for those who haven’t seen it is, the main character who loves soccer isn’t able to play on her school team because they cut the girls team due to lack of funding. When she goes to try out for the boys’ team the coach says, “But girls aren’t as fast as boys. Or as strong. Or as athletic. This is not me talking. It’s a scientific fact. Girls can’t beat boys. It’s as simple as that.”  In a turn of events, she pretends to be her brother at a new school and tries out for the boys’ soccer team. Her skills prove good enough and she starts at the opening rival game against her old school. Her secret is exposed during half time and while the boys coach of her old team says they must forfeit her current coach says, “Here at Illyria we don’t discriminate based on gender.”   Not only does this prove my point that She’s the Man has a quote for everything i

Week 3- A Different Culture Doesn't Have to Come from Across the World

 I want to start off with a little story. For the purpose names are changed and we will call the husband Jack and the wife Jill. Jack and Jill grew up in the same small town, going to the same church, school and both playing sports. They were both in student leadership and at least 2 choir classes. They had similar friend groups and would even hang out with each other on some occasions. You would think that with so many similarities they too would be similar in most ways of thinking and acting. With some time apart after high school they yet again found themselves doing many of the same things, in the same town, going to the same college. Long story short they fell in love and got married.  Previous to getting married they talked through the big and important things leaving only the little inconsistencies to manifest themselves only as time goes on. One month in and the newlyweds are thriving in most ways until the trash can is full. Neither have a problem taking it out (thank goodness

Week 2- Waiting for the Ultimate System

At a young age many people learn to read. We are first taught letters, then short words, later we learn more complex words, then sentences and eventually we begin reading sentences and whole books. In this list we missed the big step of learning how to read and that is to start at the top and reading only left to right. Backwards most literature does not work and quite frankly our mind will likely not grasp it regardless. Much like learning to read in one direction, tipping over a pattern of dominos, or studying an assembly line we see that they only truly function one way.  To paint a new and better correlated picture think of a luscious pond containing all sorts of animal like, filled with lily pads, and surrounded by green trees and grass. This is a better picture to recall when trying to understand the working of the family. With parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, even nieces and nephews and often many more we see that it is nearly impossible for a family to w