Week 6- Love in all Forms
In Greek studies we learn about 4 different types of love. Eros from Greek philosophy means sensual or passionate love. Agape is a word coming from the New Testament the father love for humans that God has as well at the reverse love of humans reciprocated love back to God. Next is Storge which is defined as a natural or instinctual affection between parents and offspring and vice versa. This type of love is also one that is a correcting kind of love, a motivating love and a love that desires the best of the other person with full support and love regardless of actions. This is also a type of love that is emulating of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. From a social scientific standpoint, we can also assume that this is the love that is part of an authoritative parenting style that emulates high standards as well has high levels of love. It is working together to get through hard trials as well grow in actions. The fourth type of love is Philia that is translated to the “highest form of...